Pre-Conference Workshop: Mental Health and Privilege: Unveiling the Hidden Relationship
Monday, June 21, 2021
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (PDT)


With this year’s theme focused on addressing privilege, it is important to take a step back and gain insight into the deep layers of privilege. We all experience life differently from one another, and it is important to acknowledge that some of us experience privilege in a wide range of areas, while others may experience privilege in very few, if any, realms of life. It can sometimes be difficult to identify how our lives are shaped by privilege, especially when we may be struggling with various difficulties of our own. Without examining the influence of privilege, we are unable to see the circumstances that create limitations on other people’s lives.

By exploring their privileged identities, this workshop will provide participants the opportunity to enhance their personal development, improve their relations with others, and become better advocates and influencers within their communities. Participants will gain an understanding of how their own and others' identities have an impact on the individual’s life, their interactions with others, their mental health and wellness, and the well-being of others.


Christina Furtado
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