Thought Leader Dialogue: Where are students coming from next?
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM (PDT)

Choose from three engaging and educational Thought Leader Dialogue Sessions running concurrently on Tuesday morning at 9:45am.

Coming out the pandemic, we began to see a real push for diversification on the part of many institutions and destinations. But what does that look like in 2024, especially following the introduction of an international study permit cap in Canada? And what practical strategies around diversification can Canadian institutions and schools adopt going forward?

This session will explore:

  1. The business case for diversification now
  2. The new and emerging markets that offer the greatest long-term growth potential for student recruitment
  3. How our ideas about international student mobility and diversification are changing in recent years, including a sharpening focus on diversification by field of study and mode of study
Session Streams
7. Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions